General Assistance

The Town of Andover administers a General Assistance Program. General Assistance is intended to provide immediate aid within 24 hours of an application for people who are unable to provide for themselves or their families with basic necessities (food, shelter, utilities, clothing, fuel and other items). The Town of Andover has adopted an Ordinance establishing the General Assistance Program pursuant to Title 22 MRSA Section 4305. A copy of this Ordinance is available for public inspection at the Town Office.

Persons may apply for General Assistance at the Andover Town Office during normal business hours

People are encouraged to call the General Assistance Officer, Justin Thacker 207-357-4748 and make an appointment with the General Assistance Director. If the director is not available at the time of the call, please leave your name and telephone number for the director to return the call as soon as possible.

For after hour’s assistance, please call the Oxford County Sheriff Department; general dispatch; at 1-800-733-1421 option 2.  

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